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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Important reminder: Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. | Want to find out more about our school? Please call to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher and a tour (0114 2485009). Thank you. | New Year Mass 2025 | Friday 10th January 2025 | Celebrated by Fr Bede | Led by the young people of Y6 | Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church | 10.00am | All welcome! | Our Term 3 Learning Value is Respect | Our Term 3 'Virtues to Live by' are faith and simplicity  | Our Term 3 charity focus is CAFOD, championed this year by St Patrick's House!  | For our latest SJF feature books of the week please click here.  | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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SJF Pantomime Reminder

10th Dec 2024

A reminder that we will visit the Lyceum Theatre, Sheffield, on Wednesday 11th December 2024, to watch this year's panto, ‘Snow White’. On the day the children are expected to wear full school uniform.

We will leave school at 12.00pm in order to arrive in good time and settle the children for the 1.00pm start. The show will last for about two and half hours.

The children will have an early packed lunch before we leave. We are due back at approximately 4.30pm though this will depend on performance-length; the time taken to leave the theatre to board our coaches and make our way through the evening traffic back to school.

To avoid any hanging about we therefore ask that, this year, you collect the children from school 5.00pm.

The school gates will be opened at 4.45pm and we would be grateful if those collecting the children could wait on the playground. When we return, staff will be stationed on all gates to ensure that children do not leave unaccompanied. As it will be dark when we return, and the children will be tired, staff and volunteers will be working hard to keep every child safe. We therefore ask you to wait on the playground and not to surround the returning coaches or along the pavement outside school. This is extremely important.  

Once in school the children will collect their things, before being released from their classrooms on to the playground in the usual way. As it will be dark, we ask those collecting our younger children to please make themselves known when their children’s names are called out by staff. If we are due to return later than 5.00pm a text will be sent, so please ensure that we have your up-to-date contact details.

Again, we thank our fantastic PTFA for all their support. They are covering the significant transport costs and they are providing volunteers to accompany us on the day.  

IMPORTANT: Parking on Panto Day

Last year our coaches struggled to make their way up Spring Water Avenue, because of the way some of our parents/carers had parked or left their vehicles. To avoid a repeat, and to ensure that we can get our children back, please avoid parking on Spring Water Avenue at all, if you can, and certainly avoid parking anywhere near school. If you are willing and able to park further away, it will help us a lot.

Thank you.