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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Parent/Carer Questionnaire (Spring 2023)

1st May 2023

Please find attached a summary of the responses to the questionnaire sent out earlier in the Spring.

We had responses from 56 families covering 73 children - broadly a third of our families and pupils.

We thank everyone who took the time to consider the questions and complete the questionnaire for us.

We are, of course appreciative of the many positive and affirming comments that we received, but we are equally grateful for the ideas, suggestions and criticisms that were also shared. These are also important because they help us to reflect critically and objectively on what we do, and how effectively we do it.

Going forward, this really helps us to understand what is important to parent/carers as we shape our general offer. It also opens doors so that we can reach out to specific parents/carers as well.

In the end everyone wants the same thing; a happy and successful school that is secure, welcoming and inclusive. The responses to this questionnaire will certainly help us as we plan both for the year ahead and for the longer term.

Thank you.