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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF School Council 2020-2021

19th Sep 2021

Here is a message from Mr MacInnes, our School Council Coordinator:

This week at St John Fisher we held the annual Y6 councilor hustings and general election. Ten children from Y6 put themselves forward as candidates for the four senior positions on our SJF School Council:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

The candidates made articulate and passionate speeches to the children from Y1 to Y5, sharing their ideas and information about themselves, before the children later cast their votes. These were then counted.

Our system is that the candidate with the most votes chooses their preferred role, then the next and so on until all four positions are filled.

The candidate who received the most votes in our election was Alan, who chose to be the Treasurer.

The candidate who received the next highest number of votes was Jessica, and she chose to be our Chairperson.

The candidate who received the next highest number of votes was Caleb, who chose to be the Vice-Chairperson.

The candidate receiving the next highest number of votes was Polly who is our new Secretary.

They now join the rest of the school councillors from years 1 to 5 who were elected in the summer: