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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Survey for Parents & Carers of Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)

27th Feb 2020

Do you have a child or young person in education (including early years, pre-school, nursery or childcare) who has special educational needs and or a disability?

If so, please tell us what you think about how they are being supported by their school/ education setting, what's working well and where you think improvements can be made.

The survey should take around 5-10 minutes to complete.

Your feedback will help us to improve how children and young people are supported.

The survey is anonymous but we will be sharing the information with your child's school/educational setting, the Inclusion Taskforce (which includes a group of lead SEND Headteachers, SENDCOs, the local authority, Learn Sheffield and a Sheffield Parent Carer Forum representative) and health and care services.

If you have more than one child with SEND, please complete the survey for each child.

Here is the link:

Thank you.