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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1 Science: Investigating Our Senses!

25th Sep 2020

Today the children have been exploring their senses. 

We began with a recap, naming the five senses and their associated body parts. 

We then had fun completing a 'listening quiz' as a class. Sadly we couldn't play the 'Chinese Whispers' game this year but we had great fun with the quiz. Everyone was fabulous at listening!  

In groups the children used their sight as they played 'The Tray Game' and used magnifying glasses in order to examine kaleidoscope pictures, shells and a sunflower head. 

The last activity was the smelling station. 

The children tried to guess the smell in different covered cups. Coffee, garlic, vinegar were some of the items they smelled. 

We didn't get to explore taste this year but maybe you could play a guess the food tasting game at home together!