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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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The Feast of St John Fisher 2024

31st May 2024
The feast of St John Fisher, our patron, is on Saturday 22nd June 2024.

We will mark this feast, as we do every year, with a special Mass, which, this year, will be on Wednesday 19th June 2024, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Our Mass will be celebrated by Fr Bede and led by the young people of Y3. It will start at 10.00am and all are welcome!

Any SJF pupils who have made their First Holy Communion this year are invited to wear their special First Holy Communion clothes during Mass, if they wish. First Holy communicants, wishing to do so, should come to school wearing their normal smart school uniform and bring their special clothes with them. They will have private spaces in which to get ready, supervised by school staff.

Parents/carers are allowed to come in to school in order to help their own children to get ready and should speak to colleagues in the school office first, if this is what they would like to do. On the day the parents/carers wanting to come in should report to the school office at 9.20am. They can also come back in to school after Mass to help their children to get changed back in to their school uniform. Thank you.
Non-Uniform Day
There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 21st June 2024, as a special feast day ‘thank you’ to all our children for everything they do to make our school the special and welcoming place that it is.