The Feast of St John Fisher
Annual Feast Day Mass
Wednesday 22nd June 2022 is SJF Day! It is a special day when we come together as a community to mark the feast of our patron, St John Fisher. We recall his life and steadfast faith; as well as his commitment to learning and the example of humility that he gave us. We also celebrate those things that make our school so unique and special.
We give thanks for our amazing children, our supportive families, our wonderful staff, Governors and friends from the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, including Fr Bede, our Parish Priest.
There will be a special Mass of Thanksgiving led by the children of Y3. This will be at 10.00am at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
All SJF children who have made their First Holy Communion this academic year, in December and in June, are invited to wear, if they wish, the special clothes they wore when they actually received the Sacrament for the first time.
On the day the First Holy communicants should come to school wearing their normal uniform and bring their special clothes with them.
They will be supervised and given the space and time to get changed and ready on their own or their parents/carers can come in to school from 9.20am to help get them ready.
Parents/carers can also come back in to school after Mass in order to help their children to get changed back in to uniform.
Everyone else is expected to look smart in their school uniform for this very special day in our school year.
Non-Uniform Day
There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 24th June 2022, in the week of our patron’s feast day, as a special thank you to the children for all they do to make our school feel so welcoming and special.