The Legend of 'The Hairy Hands'
We are currently reading 'Letters From The Lighthouse' by Emma Carrol. The story is about two children who are being evacuated to Devon during WWII. The children are currently on route to their new wartime home and are treated to the story of 'The Hairy Hands' by a boy who is accompanying them on their journey.
Apparently there were recounts during the early half of the twentieth century, reporting that while driving along the B3212 through Dartmoor, a pair of disembodied hairy hands could appear. These hands would to try to take control of steering wheels or motorbike handle bars in an attempt to steer the vehicles off the road. Nobody knew who the hands belonged to or why they would attempt to kill innocent passers by!
We have written ghost story accounts this week of The Hairy Hands story- to try and keep Mrs Barrett up late at night!