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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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FS2: Tooth Brushing Club!

6th Nov 2019

This week we have started our FS2 Toothbrushing Club.

The Oral Health Promotion Programme is run through Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust.

Currently the areas of Sheffield served by Yorkshire Water do not benefit from either natural or artificial levels of fluoride, which would greatly improve oral health.

Each child has their own toothbrush, which is kept in a storage system.

The brushes are different colours and the storage system shows a picture in front of each hole to show where your child's brush goes each time.

The process is fully supervised in order that the correct brush is taken and put back in the right place.

This is a 'dry brushing' programme which does not involve rinsing mouths with water, although brushes are rinsed by the children at the end and placed back in the right place.