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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Update: Catholic Inspection

15th Mar 2024

This week our school was inspected under the rigorous new framework of the Catholic Schools Inspectorate. The framework is different to the one used when we were last inspected. There is a sharp focus on three key areas:

(CLM 1)
The extent to which pupils contribute to (and benefit from) the Catholic life and mission of the school.
(RE 1)
How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in religious education.

(CW 1)
How well pupils respond to, and participate in, the school's collective worship.
(CLM 2)
The quality of provision for the catholic life and mission of the school

(RE 2)
The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in religious education.

(CW 2)
The quality of collective worship provided by the school.

(CLM 3)
How well leaders promote, monitor and evaluate provision for the Catholic life and mission of the School
(RE 3)
How well leaders promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for religious education.
(CW 3)
How well leaders monitor and evaluate the provision for collective worship.

We were visited by three inspectors for two full days on Wednesday and Thursday this week, during which time they spoke extensively with school leaders; staff in different roles; local academy committee members (Governors); and, of course, our children.

They also canvassed the views of staff and families, via anonymous online questionnaires. 

The inspectors were touched by the warmth of the welcome they received from everyone, including our children. Throughout the inspection our children were amazing; sharing - enthusiastically - answers to any questions posed as well their different views about school. They also talked passionately about the various different ways that they are able to engage with all aspects of school life.

Inspectors were also very impressed with the high number of responses from parents and carers too. Thank you.

Though provisional findings and grades were shared with school leaders and Local Academy Committee members, the evidence gathered must now go through a rigorous quality assurance process with the Diocese and the Inspectorate.

A draft report will then be produced and shared with us (within eleven working days of the inspection), and once this has been agreed, the report will be published, and the findings shared with you.