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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Teaching Assistant Vacancy (Fixed Term) | Please click here | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | The latest 'Wake Up! Shake Up!' videos, for Term 2, can be viewed here!  | 'Hallam Bridge' newsletter | Please click here  | Want to find out more about our school? Please call to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher and a tour (0114 2485009). Thank you. | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Summer Curriculum Showcase: click here | Latest Newsletters: Click here | Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm
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Volunteering at SJF

29th Sep 2024
We are in desperate need of volunteers willing to support us in various ways in school. Please speak to staff on the gate or in the school office if you think you can help or would like to find out more. Please note that we undertake full safeguarding checks in line the requirements of KCSIE 2024. Our team in the school office can and will provide advice and support to prospective volunteers.

Reading Volunteers
We are desperate for more reading volunteers. The commitment does not have to be big and we can be flexible with timings. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer or more information (0114 2485009)

Swimming Volunteers
Please contact us (0114 2485009 or if you can support school staff escorting Y4 pupils to and from swimming lessons on Wednesday afternoons in Terms 1 and 2, when they start.

Wildlife Area Volunteers
if you would like to support us with the development and maintenance of our new wildlife area and new planting around school. Please contact us (0114 2485009 or