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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Important reminder: Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. | Wake Up! Shake Up! Click here for our Term 3 videos! | Our Term 3 Learning Value is Respect | Our Term 3 'Virtues to Live by' are faith and simplicity  | Our Term 3 charity focus is CAFOD, championed this year by St Patrick's House!  | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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FS2 Stars of the Day (Week 8)

2nd Jan 2024

Mrs Walton and Mrs Barratt have been so proud of all the children in FS2.

They were all named 'Star of the Day' not just on Monday but on Tuesday too, for their wonderful performances in 'The Sleepy Shepherd' to the whole school and then to our families.

Well done to our individual 'Stars of the Day' who continued trying their very best in what was an extremely busy week!