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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Weekly Book Recommendation: FS2 & KS1

25th Apr 2021

This is a fun story for our younger children about how an unlikely trio came together to share some adventures. The story is told as a graphic novel and can certainly be read to a younger child or read by someone just passed the early reader stage.

The main character is a young pea who likes to take off on his own and roll around the farm. Although told by his mother not to go too far, his friends encourage him to cross the fence to a tree, across from the farm and bring back a leaf from it as proof that he went that far.

Pea cannot resist the challenge but soon gets stuck on the other side when a flash storm hits.

He first encounters a bee, who is friendlier than thought he would be, and then a bird who has never flown (because it fell out of the nest).

Do they make it back safely? Why not read the story and find out?

The illustrations in this funny story are wonderful. It is a story about the importance of friendship from unlikely sources and is part of a very enjoyable series of stories.