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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y5 Black History Month: Exploring the Life of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jnr

29th Oct 2020

The young people of Y5 explored the inspirational life of the Civil Rights Activist, Dr Martin Luther King Jnr.

They considered his motivations and aims whilst considering the important events that shaped his life.

They reflected on the things he said and wrote; thinking about their importance at the time as well as their continuing relevance today.

Finally, the children had a go at writing diary entries from the viewpoint of Dr Martin Luther King Jnr. They each tried to imagine how he might have felt on the day he shared his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech in August 1963.

Their diary entries were so descriptive; showing a deep understanding of how this great man must have felt on that remarkable day.