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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y5 Class Liturgy of the Word

15th Sep 2023

A huge 'Well done!' to all the children in Y5!

Everyone did did so well, sharing the Liturgy of the Word that will be shared at Mass in Sunday. The children also helped everyone in school by explaining meaning of this week's Gospel.

We learned about forgiveness and how God does not put a number on how many times we should forgive.

The children all read so well - even in front of a large audience. If they were a little nervous, they were brave, and tried not to let it show. They paused to ensure the children and adults could really take in what was being shared and helped people to respond in the right way and at the right times.

The choir was fantastic and sang our songs really well too.

Well done everybody, and thank to Mrs Holloway and the Y5 team for preparing the liturgy and the children so well!