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Y6 English: Recount Writing

12th Oct 2024

This week, the children of Y6 have continued to work on their recounts of their recent residential at the Hollowford Centre, Castleton. The children initially studied the key features of recount writing, such as past tense verbs, first person pronouns and the importance of following a chronological timeline. The children then practiced different sentence structures, including fronted adverbial phrases and using the subordinating conjunction 'as', before learning some new words that they could use in their writing. 

After planning their writing using a roadmap sheet, the children wrote their drafts. They then spent time editing and improving their work by correcting spellings, introducing new sentence structures to their writing and choosing increasingly sophisticated vocabulary. 

Finally, the children wrote their pieces up in neat, paying close attention to their handwriting and presentation. They are very proud of the work they have produced this week!