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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Important reminder: Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. | Our Term 3 Learning Value is Respect | Our Term 3 'Virtues to Live by' are faith and simplicity  | Our Term 3 charity focus is CAFOD, championed this year by St Patrick's House!  | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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Y6: RE

23rd Sep 2022

This week the children of Y6 have continued work on their current RE unit, which focuses on family, love and commitment.

We have studied the parable of the Prodigal Son, and discussed the symbolism and moral of the story.

We have also explored the ideas of conditional and unconditional love, and we have related these concepts to both family and God.

Finally, we have written diary entries from the point of view of the Prodigal Son, having returned home to his father.