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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y6 Visit to Beth Shalom

29th Jan 2022

Ahead of National Holocaust Memorial Day this week, our Y6 pupils were able to experience a fascinating tour of the National Holocaust Museum, Beth Shalom. This hugely informative trip helped to build on numerous areas of our study, including the first and second world wars, the emergence of the Nazi party as well as the broader concepts of prejudice and discrimination.

Through exploring and experiencing various immersive replica settings of 1930’s and 40’s Germany, the children learnt about key events which led to the systematic persecution of the European Jewish community and other minorities - including the impact of Nazi propaganda on education, the Kindertransport initiative and Kristallnacht (‘Night of Broken Glass’).

We would like to thank everyone at Beth Shalom for making us feel so welcome and helping us to learn about the effects of the Holocaust on children’s lives in such an engaging and interesting way.