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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Important reminder: Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. | Wake Up! Shake Up! Click here for our Term 3 videos! | Our Term 3 Learning Value is Respect | Our Term 3 'Virtues to Live by' are faith and simplicity  | Our Term 3 charity focus is CAFOD, championed this year by St Patrick's House!  | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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SJF Term Dates (Current & Future Years)


SJF Calendar of Events

November 2020 January 2021
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Tue 1
Years 1 and 4 to isolate (Return on 04-12-20 )
Year 5 to isolate (Isolation finishes at midnight on 04-12-20 )
SEND Reviews (with Mrs Hadfield for children with special educational needs and disabilities, AM only)
Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform al day)
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6)
Wed 2
Years 1 and 4 to isolate (Return on 04-12-20 )
Year 5 to isolate (Isolation finishes at midnight on 04-12-20 )
Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y5 and Y6)
Thu 3
Years 1 and 4 to isolate (Return on 04-12-20 )
Year 5 to isolate (Isolation finishes at midnight on 04-12-20 )
Reminder to order school lunches
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4)
Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform all day)
Fri 4
Year 5 to isolate (Isolation finishes at midnight on 04-12-20 )
Years 1 and 4 return!
PTFA Santa in School 2020 (Party clothes or Christmas Jumpers )
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4)
Sat 5
Year 5 out of isolation
Sun 6
Second Sunday of Advent
Mon 7
Year 5 return to school (Christmas jumpers, onesies or party clothes for Santa!)
Santa returning to visit Y5 (who have been in isolation)
SEND Reviews (with Mrs Hadfield for children with special educational needs and disabilities)
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (Y1, Y5 and Y6)
FS2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Tue 8
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6)
Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform all day)
SEND Reviews (with Mrs Hadfield for children with special educational needs and disabilities)
Wed 9
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y5 and Y6)
Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
SEND Reviews (with Mrs Hadfield for children with special educational needs and disabilities)
Y3 Liturgy (Filming)
Thu 10
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4)
Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform all day)
Y3 Liturgy (Film available to watch on the website)
Reminder to order school lunches
Fri 11
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4)
Celebration Assembly
Advent 2019: Postponed Advent Wreath Blessing Liturgy (Film available on the website)
Sat 12

Sun 13
Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)
Mon 14
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (Y1, Y5 and Y6)
FS2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Tue 15
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6)
Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Wed 16
Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y5 and Y6)
Christmas Dinner Day 2020 (Provisional )
Thu 17
Reminder to order school lunches
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4)
Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform all day)
Fri 18
Celebration Assembly
Last day in school
Advent 2020: The Daily Class Liturgies (FS2, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4)
Sat 19

Sun 20
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Mon 21
FS2, Y1 and Y2 Christmas/Nativity (Online from today)
Curriculum Showcase (Online from today)
Home Learning (Meetings for Years 3-6 at 9.00am and 2.30pm and FS2, Y1 and Y2 at 9.30am and 3.00pm )
Tue 22
Home Learning (Meetings for Years 3-6 at 9.00am and 2.30pm and FS2, Y1 and Y2 at 9.30am and 3.00pm )
End of Term 2
Wed 23
School Holiday (School closed)
Thu 24
School Holiday (School closed)
Fri 25
School Holiday (Christmas Day)
Sat 26
School Holiday (Boxing Day)
Sun 27

Mon 28
School Holiday (School closed)
Tue 29
School Holiday (School closed)
Wed 30
School Holiday (School closed)
Thu 31
School Holiday (School closed)