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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Teaching Assistant Vacancy (Fixed Term) | Please click here | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | The latest 'Wake Up! Shake Up!' videos, for Term 2, can be viewed here!  | 'Hallam Bridge' newsletter | Please click here  | Want to find out more about our school? Please call to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher and a tour (0114 2485009). Thank you. | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Summer Curriculum Showcase: click here | Latest Newsletters: Click here | Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm
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SJF Term Dates (Current & Future Years)


SJF Calendar of Events

April 2024 June 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Wed 1
Eat Well & Save Money - Free Webinar ( or
PE - Years 3 and 4 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Wednesdays)
Thu 2
PE - Years 5 and 6 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Thursdays)
FS2 Liturgy of the Word (9.05am - FS2 family and friends invited )
Fri 3
Celebration Assembly (9.00am, School Hall - all welcome!)
Sat 4

Sun 5

Mon 6
May Day Bank Holiday (School closed)
Tue 7
Assessment Point 3 - AP3 (Attendance is very important)
PE - Years 1 and 2 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Tuesdays)
Wed 8
Assessment Point 3 - AP3 (Attendance is very important)
PE - Years 3 and 4 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Wednesdays)
Thu 9
Assessment Point 3 - AP3 (Attendance is very important)
PE - Years 5 and 6 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Thursdays)
Fri 10
Assessment Point 3 - AP3 (Attendance is very important)
Celebration Assembly (9.00am, School Hall - all welcome!)
Sat 11

Sun 12

Mon 13
Y6 SATs Week (Attendance is very important)
FS2 PE (Children to wear PE uniform all day)
Tue 14
Y6 SATs Week (Attendance is very important)
PE - Years 1 and 2 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Tuesdays)
Wed 15
Y6 SATs Week (Attendance is very important)
PE - Years 3 and 4 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Wednesdays)
Thu 16
Y6 SATs Week (Attendance is very important)
PE - Years 5 and 6 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Thursdays)
Fri 17
Y6 SATs Week (Attendance is very important)
Celebration Assembly (9.00am, School Hall - all welcome!)
Sat 18

Sun 19

Mon 20
FS2 PE (Children to wear PE uniform all day)
Tue 21
PE - Years 1 and 2 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Tuesdays)
Wed 22
PE - Years 3 and 4 (Children to wear PE uniform all day on Wednesdays)
Spelling Bee Grand Final
Thu 23
SJF Sports Day (PE uniform all day - Festival of Sport Only)
Fri 24
Celebration Assembly (9.00am, School Hall - all welcome!)
End of Term 4
Sat 25

Sun 26

Mon 27
Spring Bank Holiday
Tue 28
School Holiday
Wed 29
School Holiday
Thu 30
School Holiday
Fri 31
School Holiday